Most of the clear product placement in last night's episode were of products that would probably appeal to, and be recognized by, a male audience. All of the cars parked on the street were shown from a front angle with their logos prominently up front such as the red Ford Mustang parked outside the bar owned by the Donnellys. Also, the Donnelly's signature car is a beat up Ford van which is shown when Tommy and Kevin have to move a dead body from the bar's dumpster. To get even more morbid, Tommy enters a hardware store to buy a mallett to fit the body into a barrel- I'll spare the details. During this scene, a shelf full of Black and Decker tools are in the background. Lastly, in the bar scenes there are many shots of the fully stocked bar with liquor bottle labels facing forward. Unfortunately, I didn't have my glasses on and couldn't read the labels clearly, but it seemed like a product placement buffet. I'll be prepared for next week. Like ABC, NBC also streams full episodes of their shows on their Web site. So if you missed it last night you can watch it here. My advice is to DOO IT!
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